Chicken display

Design: Louise Hederström & Dan Jonsson for Eurobib Direct
Book! Book!
Et 'ægstremt' sødt bogdisplay formet som en kylling.
Iøjnefaldende udstillingsholderen vil helt sikkert give lyst til læsning i påskeferien. Eller brug den hele året rundt i børneafdelingen.
Anvendes fritstående eller monteres på vægge eller endegavle.
Læs mere...
Nøglehulsophæng. Der medfølger ikke skruer til ophæng på væg eller endegavle.
The Chicken and the Frog
One morning a chicken walked into a library. It went up to the desk and said "Book! Book!" The librarian gave the chicken two books, and it left. Half an hour later the chicken returned. Once more it approached the desk and said "Book! Book!" This time the curious librarian followed the chicken. She followed it through the streets to the park. It went into the park and down to the lake. It gave the books to a big fat frog. The frog opened a book and looked at it. Then it said "Read it!" and threw the book into the water.
Bredde | 256 mm |
Dybde | 143 mm |
Højde | 323 mm |
Farve | gul |
Materiale | pulverlakeret stål |
Andet | Nøglehulsbeslag |
Displaydybde | 56 mm |
Farver på materialer | RAL 1003 |
Farve/finish: gul
Varenr.: E3501 / 1 stk.
- På lager
- Fri fragt ved køb over 3.000,00 kr.
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